There has been a long-standing belief that a nation’s productivity can be attributed to several factors, however managerial capabilities are widely recognized as the most important. The Third world countries poor productivity relative to the other industrialized countries has been linked, in particular, to the inferior quality of management in SMEs, especially in the use of information and communication technologies.
Executive Certificate in Leading & Managing Organisations (ECLMO) is in response to the clarion call for a new breed of professional managers educated to global standards who can lead change, drive innovation and solve complex business problems.The ECLMO is intended to create a new breed of professional managers who can create jobs, increase incomes and reduce poverty.
The programme is academically rigorous, but is specifically designed for executives, professionals, managers, entrepreneurs and others, who seek to combine the best of academic knowledge with the best of practitioner knowledge in order to push forward the boundaries of understanding contemporary and rapidly transforming business and management challenges.
Applications Procedure
Applications should be made on the prescribed online application form on HomeUni Virtual Learning Platform. Completed application forms should be submitted together with certified copies of certificates, passport photographs and the prescribed processing fee to the admission office.
Programme Delivery
The Programme will be delivered online.
Delivery Methods
The main delivery mode is online. The online delivery will have a high element of online forum and participation encouraging students to draw upon experiential learning. Relevant case studies and guests speakers/lecturers are used to support student development. Contextualized learning is supported by an increasing range of recommended reading materials. The delivery shall focus on:
a) Lectures and Cases studies
b) Development of presentation skills
c) Development of information and communication technology skills
d) Professional experience through seminars
e) Mentorship from senior managers/executives
Foundations of Management
The course will cover the principles of organizational design, the core features of management functions (e.g. HR), the fundamental principles of organizational action, the ways in which firms’ strategies and goals are shaped by the external environment, and how the activities that organizations conduct are controlled and co-ordinated within different types of structures. The course introduces students to the origins and early development of Taylorism and Human Relations, the tensions at the core of processes of coordination and control of labour, explores contemporary empirical trends in the core issues of work organisation, and the development of CSR and ethical approaches.
The course aims to develop the students’ ability to critically analyse and reflect upon organisational theory and practice and provide an introduction to basic concepts and ideas in the foundations of management. Concepts and theories will be used alongside case examples in order to enhance those analytical skills. The case studies will cover a wide range of problems and conflicts that influence the ability of organisations to realise their goals and social responsibilities. The course also challenges students to consider the interrelationships between individual, group, organisational and societal processes that impact upon managerial policy and practice within organisations. The course will provide a foundation for subsequent modules.
Learning outcomes
a. Have a better understanding of the different ways in which work, departments and divisions, authority relationships and information systems are organised and controlled.
b. Be able to account for the interdependencies between behaviour, design and the strategy of the firm when making managerial decisions.
c. Understand the influence of the changing external environment on internal decision-making and organisational structure
d. Be able to apply analytical frameworks for evaluating organisational situations and drawing up coherent and tenable recommendations.
e. Be more alert to the managerial implications of workplace behaviours.
f. Have an understanding of the research and application of psychology as it applies to the workplace, e.g. selection and assessment and training.
g. Describe characteristics on which people differ, such as personality and attitudes, and demonstrate a knowledge of supporting evidence
h. Have an understanding of, and be able to describe at an introductory level some of the main areas of social psychology
i. Describe the ethical considerations of work psychology
a. Course Introduction and the Origins of Management
b. Management and the Firm
c. The Rise and Decline of Labour
d. Taylorism, Motivation, and Performance
e. The Rise of Human Resource Management
f. Making Decisions
g. Understanding Organisational Structures
h. The Origins of Modern Strategy
i. Contemporary Strategic Management
The Theory and Practice of Organizational Leadership
This course will aim to adopt the interactional framework of leadership, which considers that the leadership process is a function of three components: the leader, the followers, and the context. The course is structured to cover classic and emergent theories that address each of these components; though most theories focus on one of these three components, they also inform the other components in the model as well, either implicitly or explicitly. Implications for the practice of leadership will be addressed through class discussions.
An effort will also be made in this course to ensure that students do not adopt a myopic view of leadership. Rather, different perspectives on the process of leadership are presented, that make radically different assumptions. Students will therefore be required to identify these assumptions and develop well-articulated arguments that either support or go against these assumptions in order to develop a sophisticated view of leadership.
Learning Outcome
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
a. Identify the assumptions underlying the different approaches to the study of leadership.
b. Synthesize theory and research in the field of leadership.
c. Critically evaluate leadership theories.
d. Discuss the implications of the different theories for leadership practice.
Course Content
a. Introduction and Overview
b. Levels of leadership
c. Power and Influence
d. Individual differences in leadership
e. Behavioural Approach
f. Charismatic leadership
g. Transformational leadership
h. Leadership Development
i. Contingency Theory
j. Leader-member exchange and followership
k. Perceptional Approach
Leadership, Creativity and Innovation
FEES: Ghc850