Accouting & Finance


Whether you’re looking to move up in your current company, expand your career opportunities, or just find a clearer direction in life, Accra Business School’s 12 Month MSc Accounting & Finance will help you achieve your goals as easily as possible.

The strength of the MSc programme at Accra Business School relies on a hybrid faculty of accomplished industry professionals who bring industry to the classroom, astute academicians who take the classroom to industry and attended by high calibre individuals who merge the real world of business and the classroom.


The degree is designed for maximum flexibility, allowing busy professionals to upgrade their skills and build a powerful network, without disruptions to their commitments at work and at home. Classes are held one full weekend in a month.

Accreditation & Collaboration 

This accelerated degree is a joint undertaking between Accra Business School and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) and accredited by the National Accreditation Board of Ghana. Accra Business School provides academic direction whiles Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) Awards the degree. 


As a social enterprise initiative in education, Accra Business School believes that Masters Education should not be the preserve of the privileged few. Our MSc. therefore, is one of the most affordable in Ghana , for students with Bachelors in Accounting and/or Finance and  for students without. Kindly refer to the entry requirements for entry routes.


Our flexible payment plan also ensures that you pay as you go.

Unique Opportunities

During these 12 months, students will experience a number of unique opportunities to help strengthen their individual talents, challenge their mental models and preconceived limits, and build a powerful new network. 

These opportunities include:

• Executive coaching delivered both in teams and individually to accelerate learning and personal growth. 

• Executive conversations with current and former CEOs from globally recognized companies who share their experiences in intimate, informal dialogues with students.

•  Expanded network of meaningful relationships are built withinthe select and highly accomplished group of students, faculty, execu tive mentors, and coaches.

Please find attached the following documents for your perusal



There are two entry routes into the MSc accounting and finance programme as set out below

Entry Route 1

Admission requirements for students to enroll on the MSc Accounting & Finance programme through this route can be any of the following:

i.A good first degree with part 1 or 2 qualified or fully qualified certificate of the ACCA, CIMA, ICAG, ICAEW, CPA, CFA or similar accounting and finance professional qualification.

ii.Holders of a good first degree in BSc Administration (Accounting option); Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Finance option); Bachelor of Commerce from a recognized University.

iii.Holders of any Accounting undergraduate degree that is assessed to be acceptable by the National Accreditation Board of Ghana, e.g. Bachelor of Art Administration (Accounting & Economics, Mathematics with Accounting).

Entry Route 2

Students with a good first degree but without adequate foundation in accountancy mayenroll under route 2 on the MSc Accounting andFinance programme. These prospective students who get admission into the programme via this route would be required to undergo a bridging programme made up of 6 undergraduate accounting courses for 3 months.


For entry into the MSc Accounting & Finance Course, Applicants should provide the following documents•Copy of Original University certificate (1st Degree) •Copy of Original Transcript•Copy of any National ID card e.g. Passport, Voter ID etc.•Current CV showing at least 2 years working experience. •Two passport photographs

1. Tax & Business Strategy

Traditional finance and business strategy courses do not consider the role of taxes in decision making.Similarly,traditional tax courses often ignore the richness of the decision context in which taxes operate.The course objective is to develop a frame work for understanding how taxes affect business decisions.Effective tax planning requires the planner to consider the tax implications of a proposed transaction for all parties to the transaction.It also requires the planner,in making the investment and financing decisions,to consider not only direct taxes but also indirect taxes.Effective tax planning requires the planner to recognize that taxes represent only  one among many business costs.In the planning process, all potential non-tax costs must be considered.

2. Financial Management
This subject aims to prepare students for effective and efficient planning and management of financial resources in Organizations.The subject introduces how a manager can utilize accounting and finance systems in decision making.An investigation of the firm’s acquisition and financial activities,to include working capital management,capital budgeting,capital structure strategies,and valuation theory.The practical application of financial policy is stressed for decision-making purposes.

3. Accounting Theory & Practice
The course seeks to equip students with knowledge in philosophical and axiomatic premises on which current accounting measurements and reporting are based. Basically,the course seeks to assist students to understand accounting policy choices available or under consideration for application within International Financial Reporting Standards as well as appreciate the importance of ethical reasoning and social and cultural considerations in professional accounting practice.

4. Financial Econometrics
Financial econometrics is a course designed to cover essential tools for working with financial data,including the return forecasting,volatility,and econometrics of asset pricing,such as testing the market models.It is designed to teach students howto accurately price financial instruments and estimate underlying models.The goal is that students become familiar with the issues at stake in empirical asset pricing,the methodologies used,the classic papers as well as the recent contributions,and be able to analyze and evaluate new research effectively.Finally,students are expected to acquire the skills to conduct and present original empirical research in finance.

5. Strategic Management Accounting
The module builds on management accounting techniques used by management to make certain key managerial decisions in business. This subject will teach students to use both basic and advanced management accounting concepts to make key managerial decisions of a type they would encounter in a senior management position in an international environment.

6. Corporate Strategy, Ethics & Governance
This subject is designed to equip candidates with the skills in the formulation,selection and implementation of corporate strategy. It acquaints candidates with the concepts and principles of strategic management and builds on their knowledge acquired from previous studies in the functional area of management to solve business problems/cases.Emphasis is on the ability of candidates to diagnose organizational problems and provide options for dealing with them.

7.International Auditing and Assurance
The module offers a structured approach to the conceptual and practical principles of auditing and other assurance engagements.It provides a real world perspective on current practices with coverage of current developments and techniques.This subject will introduce students to the major issues in auditing theory and practice.Also it will explain and analyse the nature of statutory audit and the key stages in the audit process and illustrate audit concepts with real-life cases.

8. Research Techniques in Accounting and Finance
The course seeks to equip students with knowledge in research techniques in the field of accounting and finance.Students are expected to gain practical experience in applying research methods.Clear understanding of research terminology; designing and conducting research projects and formulating a research problem and related hypotheses are what the course seeks to achieve.

9. Financial Markets & Institutions
This course will provide students with an introduction to financial markets and an evaluation of the institutions,instruments and participants involved in the industry.The mainstream markets to be evaluated include the equity,money,bond,futures,options and exchange rate markets.The subject systematically reviews each of the mainstream financial markets and investigates the various institutional participants and the different types of financial instruments offered.

10.Derivatives Securities
This module is targeted at students interested in understanding the pricing of derivative securities, specifically options.Applications are used to reinforce a rigorous development of arbitrage theory that underpins the pricing of derivative securities.The module aims to provide a profound understanding of derivative securities including forwards,futures and options. Provide the technical appreciation of the strengths and weakness of derivative pricing models. Sensitize the student to the quantitative nature of derivative markets.

11. Corporate Reporting
The course is designed to enable students apply knowledge,skills and exercise professional judgment in the application and evaluation of financial reporting principles and practices in a range of business contexts in Ghana and beyond.

12. International Finance
In today’s global financial markets and business activity,managers are increasingly concerned with decision making across borders and in a multi currency environment.This module examines currency markets and transactions, exchange rate systems and implications for exchange rate volatility,identification and management of currency risks that arise from international operations.It also examines issues that arise when firms seek financing outside their home markets.

13. Enterprise Risk Management
The aim of this module is to introduce the key principles of Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”) within an organization (e.g. insurance companies, banks, and pension schemes). ERM involves the integration of risk management across an organization, rather than treating each individual risk which an organization faces separately.Students should gain an understanding of the implementation and application of ERM.

14. Investment Analysis
The module focuses on the analysis and valuation of bonds and equities.For bonds,the pricing and computation of yields are covered in addition to measurement and impact of duration and credit risk on prices.For equities,a top-down approach to analysis is taken, starting with macroeconomic and industry analysis before moving on to individual company analysis.Intrinsic and relative valuation methods are applied to company’s shares.

15. Dissertation
There are two broad objectives to the module: The first objective is to introduce students to academic research concerned with social sciences in general and accounting,finance and management research,in particular.The course will therefore enhance students’ knowledge of the research process and methodology and enable them to be aware of the problems associated with research.The second main purpose is to prepare students for their dissertations.Guidance will be given as to howto proceed with their research,the choices available to them and an awareness of problems they may face.

Students without Bachelors in Accounting and/or Finance : GHc 24,000

START DATE : January 2022